Sunday, 19 January 2014


I know my two most faithful followers were looking forward to seeing the finished quilt of my last post. They also know I finished it a couple of weeks ago but I had a problem with my camera, which is not really an excuse due to there are two more professional cameras at home, but no idea how to use them, to be honest. Anyway the thing is that I am using a new canon EF 50/1.4 USM lens for the first time, my old lens broke and it was more expensive to fix it than getting a new one. 

I really enjoyed making this quilt last Christmas holiday. The last part of it was relaxing indeed: I used to get up late (sometimes at 12 am!!) prepared a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch with the quilt on my lap as I hand-sewed the bias.

No more going to bed late now however I will try to make the most of my weekends. One of my new school year resolutions last September was to improve my IT skills, but besides changing the header of this blog and using "picmonkey" a couple of times I have not done much as this regard... I am taking it easy though, I have a whole year ahead! 


  1. Me encanta, ¿has seguido algún tutorial? Tengo 3 fat quarters y quería hacer algo de este tipo con ellos pero no sé ni por donde empezar...

  2. Lovely quilt, Atina!
    It's lovely to finally see it. The fabrics are a good combo and the result looks fab.

  3. oh! que bonito te ha quedado. Petonets!


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